Tuesday 31 March 2015


They stand accused of everything from planting potatoes on government land, to approving sweetheart deals for favoured firms, land-grabbing and using millions of shillings in public funds to bribe Members of Parliament.

A report on the current status of corruption matters sent to the Presidency on March 20 this year lists many current and former government officials as suspects in some 124 cases in various stages of investigation.
This was revealed after Senate Majority Leader Kindiki Kithure on Tuesday tabled the document that had been appended to President Uhuru Kenyatta’s State of the Nation submissions last week. Debate on the matter began Tuesday.

Apart from the five Cabinet Secretaries, nine governors and other public officials already named, the list of people under investigation includes former Secretary to Cabinet Francis Kimemia, NPSC Chairperson Johnston Kavuludi, Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko, Machakos senator Johnstone Muthama, former Lands minister James Orengo, former Cabinet minister Chirau Ali Mwakwere, and former IEBC executives James Oswago and Wilson Shollei.
Others include former Chief of Staff at the Office of the Prime Minister Caroli Omondi, former High Court Registrar Gladys Shollei, Auditor-General Edward Ouko, former Information PS Bitange Ndemo, NSSF Managing Trustee Richard Langat and former Investment Secretary Esther Koimett.
KNEC chief executive Paul Wasanga, FKF secretary-general Sam Nyamweya, former Nairobi mayor George Aladwa, former PS Rebecca Nabutola, former Mumias Sugar MD Peter Kebati, Nandi Hills MP Alfred Keter and Mt Elgon MP John Serut are also under investigation for various alleged economic crimes.
It is alleged that Mr Mwakwere used his office in 2006 to deny former Kenya Railway Corporation employees a chance to purchase houses set aside for them to buy. Mr Kimemia and Ms Koimett are cited in the same scheme. The former Secretary to the Cabinet is also being investigated over irregularities in a Sh1 billion Interior ministry tender.
Mr Orengo and Mr Aladwa are tied to irregular disposal of a parcel of land in Westlands for Sh320 million, with the then minister allegedly pocketing a Sh5 million bribe.
Caroli Omondi is being probed over the purchase of a parcel of land on Loita Street, Nairobi, from Kenya Commercial Bank for Sh220 million before flipping it to a buyer waiting in the wings for Sh650 million.
Mr Ndemo and Mr Muthama are named among half a dozen others over the irregular procurement of Konza ranch.
Mr Oswago and his deputy Shollei are being investigated over the procurement of electronic voter identification devices.
Mr Kavuludi is accused of abuse of office for allegedly making trips abroad and failing to account for the funds.
Governors Isaac Ruto (Bomet), Evans Kidero (Nairobi), Ali Joho (Mombasa), Peter Munya (Meru), Alfred Mutua (Machakos), Nadhif Jama (Garissa), Godana Doyo (Isiolo), Ukur Yattani (Marsabit) and Cyprian Awiti (Homa Bay), all named in media reports, are confirmed to be in the list.
Also under investigation are Governors Amason Kingi (Kilifi), Okoth Obado (Migori), Samuel Tunai (Narok) and Josephat Nanok (Turkana).

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