Tuesday 31 March 2015


According to state house report, United States president Barack Obama will be visiting Kenya July. A number of Kenyans are happy that a son of Kenya who became the first black  president of America  is finally coming to his homeland. It is a trip that will raise a lot of criticism and controversy from the republicans ahead of US elections.
Obama, who made his last trip to Kenya as a senator in 2006, is scheduled to meet with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta and attend the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in an effort to boost economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa
This will be Obama's fifth trip to Kenya, almost 10 years after he last made the journey. Though there is no word of whether he will see family members, during his last trip, he made a point to visit his father's home village of Nyang'oma-Kogelo.
It has been noted that, most Americans are not happy with president barrack Obama’s visit to Kenya. March 30, 2015, AFP writer Andrew Beatty posted an article that appeared on Yahoo about president Obama’s Kenya visit. The post attracted over 6,600 comments mostly from Americans. About 80% of the comments indicated that Americans are not happy with Obama’s visit to his said fatherland Kenya. This how some of the comments read;

“J: It never ceases to amaze me how much damage this man has done to our beloved Country both on the domestic and international front and I am afraid there is more to come should the Iranian deal go through. He is truly the peace in our time person of the 21st century and seems to believe he can placate the Iranians who continue to conquer the Middle East and chant death to Americans all the while why we are reducing the capacity of our military which as a veteran rankles me. How sad and terrible for our children and grandchildren. Don’t blame him but the people who voted him into office.”
“Bob: He will meet with Kenyatta whose father was the originator of the satanic, homicidal
Mau Mau oath, and who continues in his anti white , pro genocide policy”

“Geogia: Maybe he’s going to get a copy of his birth certificate”.
“Richard: Great potential for Kenya ? For what . They are unstable , poor , on the hot list where Americans need to stay away from. Any more good news . They are an important leader in our ” fight ” against terrorism — a joke — Obama can’t figure out how to handle Isis , Muslim Extremists,The Arab Spring which he has destroyed . Now Yemen . But this guy needs to go to Kenya . The land of his father . Mean while, this trip will cost The American Tax Payers millions more . This whole thing is one more trip for a man who has taken over 100 vacations. Lets just add one more”
president barack obama visit to kenya

“Pam: I’m sure that he scheduled the trip when school was out so he could show his kids their grandfather’s grave and put flowers on it, the same man who abandoned him. He’s made his father into some type of idol in his own mind and in his fairy tale book, Dreams of My Father. His old man was a drunk, a philanderer and didn’t give a rat’s derriere about him. Or could it be that he wants to throw his grandma a few more dollars to keep his true background quiet.”
“Peter: If Obama loves Kenya, he should cancel this meeting. History has shown that a visit by an American President to any East African country has resulted in unwelcome disruptions whose effect reverberate to the neighboring countries. Airport operations are disrupted, communications are jammed, local businesses are forced to close, streets are closed, and the country’s security mechinery is all focused on this visit. The only beneficiaries of such trips are the corporate bureaucrats who will accompany the president who will be holding business meetings with their local counterparts, all at the expense of taxpayers.”
“Bluesrunner: Barack will get to visit the homeland of his father, Barack, Senior, who, in truth was an alcoholic man, who abused women and abandoned his son when he was an infant. The President’s father, Barack, Sr., was also a polygamist. The President’s book may have been more aptly named, “Nightmares of My Father”. Well, at least the President was able to use his father’s heritage to earn several million dollars on his book, and to have a strong advantage, as a biracial man of being elected President in the U.S.-twice”
”Anthonys: you know a lot of Americans are sitting at there computer just shaking there heads . I’ve said this before his first election. Republican party… YOUR the one I blame for this traitor being president of the united states you knew he wasn’t American and you knew his dad was Kenyan it was no secret . you could have easily stopped this from happening and you didn’t and that leads me to ask conservatives knowing that the republican politicians knew that he wasn’t eligible to run for president and did NOTHING. except blame the democrats for all the injustice from this administration. people who do you think gave homeland the money to buy billions of bullets, 6 bullets for every human living in America. congress did and that was a bipartisan vote . WAKE UP AMERICA”

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