Thursday 19 March 2015


I am sending this update from Nyayo police station. I am not wearing shoes…they got lost at some point. I am a bit bruised. I have no clue where my handbag is. But I am not worried about any of that!

0830hrs. At the Bellevue bus stop. Hapo chini ya foot bridge. A Rembo shuttle comes to a halt. There are several peeps at the bus stop…in front of me is this b’tful lady. Presentable. She is minding her business…I am reading something on my phone. The Rembo shuttle tout walks to her…she respectably tells him she is not going to Kitengela…or that route for that matter. I continue reading. Then he does something despicable…he lifts her skirt! All of it! Not by an accident…intentionally. By design. Until that moment, she was just a stranger. But when you mess up with a gal’s dignity…She becomes a sister. My sister. Our blood mixes. And her shame becomes mine too. At that moment, I felt naked too… the Ninja in me roused violently. I didn’t realize I was this lethal. I caught myself mid-air, looking badder than Size-8 with her Mateke. And I landed on that nigga badly. I mean badly.

Before he could register what was going on I reached for my sugarcane in the handbag…and I gave him another one. A hard one. Theeen….his friends, the other touts and those other boys…’the managers’ of the stage, tried something silly! They decided to undress that same gal…as the rest decided to beat me.  But when one slapped me…that is when the heavens opened and God almighty breathed fire on earth! Kenya ina wanaume! You know how those Khalwale’s fighter bulls pace back and forth in the ring until they see a red piece of cloth? When a tout slapped me…that was the red piece of cloth! Yaani…the dudes who 5 minutes ago were just another lot of smartly dressed office guys turned into Mayweathers. One said, ‘you don’t beat women. You cannot beat a woman chief!’ It was raining blows. And kicks. And there was blood. I dutifully jumped onto the back of one of the touts and I gave him a thorough biting. And if you doubt I can bite, please ask Jacob Jay. Just ask him. That fiasco went on for 17 minutes….Cars got parked on the road.  And when the drivers of those cars learned what the fight was about…they joined in! And the party got bigger…it was now a torrent…touts Vs. civilians…until cops checked in. And unlike the common Kenyan behavior where people scatter when police come…every body, other than the touts (but it was not optional.

This was not a weaning class. They were handcuffed and hurled into the pick-up chapchap)…every body volunteered to go to the police station to record a statement…because we have nothing to hide. We are so tired of this primitive energy! It was hilarious watching guys exit from the fighting scene…men without shoes, walking on tarmac in socks at 8 am. And even though I saw a few torn socks…I was so proud of these men I couldn’t laugh! I saw women with unbuttoned blouses…because they lost their buttons in the fight. And these women are my heroes! The poor gal is alright. She has been taken to Nairobi women’s for counseling …the touts, and especially the one who started the nonsense is now happily a guest of the state…together with his wannabe moralists. I am so proud of all these Kenyans who chose not to be bystanders, Kenyans who called in at their work places to say ‘I need to fix an emergency’, I will be late. All these Kenyans here right now…remind me that there are only two tribes in the world. The good and the bad. And God knows I am proud of them all! Whatever you do today, do not be a bystander when evil wins. Remember, In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.Sitasimama maovu yakitawala. That gal,


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