Monday 23 March 2015


This only happens in Kenya. It has become a common occurence in the Jubilee government.

A woman has been admitted at Nairobi Women’s Hospital in Hurligham after being r@ped by Imenti Central MP Gideon Mwiti in his Westland office. The MP had lured the unsuspecting woman on Saturday night to his office after telling her that they were going to discuss a business deal.

Mwiti allegedly forced the woman to carry a HIV/Aids test in his office before r@ping her for hours. The MP was accompanied by a doctor who forcibly took samples of her blood for testing before raping her. The doctor runs a clinic in Ngara.

The victim, a former journalist, reported the s3xual assault to her husband who was not spared threats by the MP. When contacted by a leading media house, the MP first denied before admitting that he met the woman between 5pm-7pm at a bar near his Westlands office.

He said:

I did not do the things you are saying and no police officer has called me. I know her and I also know the husband. We met yesterday (Saturday) before 7pm before I went to Njugunas for a meeting with my constituents,” 

“She is doing my public relations project, but that is not done at night. Yes I know her very well. I have met her before. I am giving her the contract and she is to give me a quotation, but not at night,” 

Police took blood samples of the woman which will be used to compare with those taken from the MP once they get hold of him. The MP however stated that he is ready to be examined to prove his innocence.

“I am 100 per cent ready to be examined, even now. If I am contacted, I will present myself.”

“She was to meet him earlier but the MP kept postponing the meeting until 10pm and he said the documents needed to be signed on that day,” 

Some of the messages from the wife to husband sent between 11-11:31PM read:
Message 1

“The MP you introduced me to asked me to meet him. He asked for sex and when I refused he beat me up. I’m in Westlands please come,” 
Message 2

“Opposite Bandari Plaza. He wants to rape me and my phone will go off.”

The MP proceeded to beat her after she sneaked to a toilet after breaking the door then raped without using protection. She was let free at 1:30 am. Mwiti asked the husband to meet him to bury the matter but he refused prompting the MP to issue him with threats.

The doctor who forcibly carried the HIV test said when contacted:

“You are stranger and I don’t know who you are. I can neither confirm nor deny what you are saying. Come to my office here in Ngara,” 


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