Its so shocking that many do not know why a tourist would fly all the way to a certain destination just for a few days and go back... OPEN YOUR EYES !
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To prevent pregnancy naturally without a condom, one thing you can do
is to get a copper T. Women who want to prolong motherhood and enjoy
their sex lives can turn to this method. However, there...
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Former Vice President Uncle Moody Awori has passed on In
Nairobi hospital , This is according to News we have seen online from
Major and Big Media houses. According to the media houses, He passed...
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Kenyan men will do anything to get a
woman to bed, I included (though all not the time). But women don’t just
give up the cookie easily. They are stubborn. They are wired to be
stubborn They want...
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Women are emotional beings and s3x is the highest form of expression
of emotion for women, but for men things are different. S3x sometimes is
just a pass time and we do it to have fun, sometimes...
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AS a Kenyan man, I have a number of
expectations whenever a woman lets me unclasp her bra. Through our
‘mantalk’ moments, i have learnt that my friends and associates have
similar expectations....
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Here are 5
things Kenyan women want in bed.
1.’Chocha’ her
Don’t be so quiet as if you are in
the movie Silence Of The Lambs. Women in the 254 want to be
‘chochwad.’. By this I mean you ought...